Boy what a week! Not only did we all get to witness the Charlie Sheen one man show (winning), I actually learned a lot about people that I know, especially myself.
Starting with myself. I have learned that I can not keep my mouth shut when it comes to people that act like idiots. I have told myself for years that when something happens that I feel very strongly about, and want to comment, that I just need to give it a couple of hours or even until the next day to respond. If by then I feel like writing or speaking the same thing as I did when it happened, that it was okay to do so. By then I have given myself ample time to debate what the fallout is going to be and if I am actually right or not. When I allow myself the time to think about it, about half the time I calm down and end up responding in a different way. The other half I respond the exact way I wanted to in the first place. You know how you have to play the politically correct card some times, I'm not very good at playing that card.
The problem that I have is that I don't normally give myself that time to think about it and just go with my initial feelings and respond immediately. I have found that sometimes this is the best way to go. Some people live in a bubble and need to be reminded that they are stupid idiots some times. They tend to forget from time to time and I think that it is my duty as a human being to remind them.
My favorite is when I am talking to someone about their rediculous, stupid, childish decisions and someone, not part of the conversation, puts their ass right in the middle of it and tries to add their two cents. This tends to happen quite often with some people. This makes me particularly mad and ignites a flame in my Core and all I can think about is putting a scarf in their mouth to shut them up. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Now on to the other people. I really, really hate people that only think of themselves no matter how many times that you have helped them out or how many thousands of dollars you have spent on them. See, they tend to forget all of that stuff when it doesn't benefit them. When I was much younger and was not as stable as I am now, I never forgot anyone that ever helped me or my family out. And I would not expect anything from anyone. That is just the kind of person that I am. And I would return the favor every chance that I got. That's just what normal people do.
It seems now a days that there are more and more people out there that always have their hand out. No matter what it is, they expect something from other people in their life. Believe me, I understand that some people are having a very hard time making ends meet at this particular time. And with the gas prices going up so much the last couple of weeks, it's only going to get worse. But when I see someone that always has their hand out waiting for someone to put something in it, I really want to throw something at them, like a grenade. I notice a lot of the time when they do this they don't always come straight out and ask for it (sometimes they do) but it's more like subtle hints that aren't really that subtle. I feel like saying "you have had every opportunity to get it yourself like everyone else, so get off of your ass and go do it."
I feel that I have had every chance to make the kind of life that I did (with my wife's help of course). I was not given any special opportunities. No special handouts. No free rides. I got my head out of my ass at an early age and got out into the world and worked for what I have. No matter what it took. If it meant working 18 hours a day or being away from my family 25 days of the month to get where I wanted to be, I did it. Those days really sucked and I still have to do it from time to time, but that is what it takes sometimes to be successful and I have learned that. If one day I decided that I didn't want to do that anymore, I would not expect anyone to be standing at my front door waiting to just hand me what I wanted.
We all have decisions to make. Sometimes we don't make the right decisions. That's life. But when you continue to make the wrong decisions, and you know it, that is a big problem. And what is even worse is when people like me continue to give you a handout even when we know what you are doing.
So I pledge to myself that I will continue to call you out from time to time to remind you of the things that you are doing and I can't guarantee that my comments will be politically correct or that you will take it in a constructive way. What I can guarantee is that I will be honest and my comments will come from my heart. Sometimes that is the best medicine.....